Die Verwechslung der Freiheit
Die Verwechslung der Freiheit is the result of years of diving into the fascinating world of moths and butterflies, their behavior, their scientific exploration and their cultural meaning. The book is threefold, combining a graphic score of the audiowork also titled »Die Verwechslung der Freiheit«, an image research and a literary glossary around moths, myths and scientific history.
Published as part of the series »Skizzenbücher« at the Leipzig-based publisher Trottoir Noir. Concept and design by me, including vocal arrangements by Julia Pellegrini.
Die Verwechslung der Freiheit
Skizzenbuch #15, Manuskript
14,00€/16 CHF | ISBN 978-3-945849-20-0
Order via E-Mail at info@trottoirnoir.de or get in your local bookstore.
288 pages, DIN A6| 2021 | Printed by Pöge Druck Leipzig with support by the Kulturamt Leipzig.